Sichuan Yasi Optics Co.,Ltd.
Sichuan Yasi Optics Co.,Ltd.
  • infrared lenses
  • ir lenses
  • znse ir
  • znse optics
  • infrared lenses
  • ir lenses
  • znse ir
  • znse optics

Infrared Optical ZnSe Powell Lens Coated Customized

Introducing our infrared optical znse powell lens coated customized, revolutionizing laser line generation. Resembling a round prism with a curved roof line, this lens efficiently stretches a narrow laser beam into a uniformly illuminated straight line. Customized to your coating requirements, it ensures consistent and reliable performance in laser systems. Elevate your laser applications with our customized powell lens solution.


Specifications of Infrared Optical ZnSe Powell Lens Coated Customized

NameIndex of Refraction (nd) Abbe Number (vd)Density(g/cm3)CTE
(x 10-6/°C)
(x 10-6/°C)
Knoop HardnessProperties /Typical Applications
Zinc Selenide(ZnSe)2.403N/A5.277.161120Low Absorption,High Resistance to Thermal Shock
CO2 Laser Systems and Thermal lmaging

Features of Infrared Optical ZnSe Powell Lens Coated Customized

Beam Shaping: Converts Gaussian beams into uniform lines.
Infrared Transparency: High transmittance in the infrared spectrum.
Durable: Resistant to mechanical stress and environmental factors.
Precision Optics: Ensures accurate light shaping for various applications.

Advantages of Infrared Optical ZnSe Powell Lens Coated Customized

Advantages of Infrared Optical ZnSe Powell Lens Coated Customized
  • Precise Beam Shaping: ZnSe Powell lenses offer precise control over beam shaping, crucial for laser cutting, welding, and marking applications.

  • Infrared Transparency: High transparency in the infrared spectrum enables use in thermal imaging and sensing applications.

  • Durable Construction: One of the standout features of our Infrared Optical ZnSe Powell Lens is its durable construction. Designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, these infrared lenses are built from high-quality zinc selenide (ZnSe) material, which is known for its robustness and longevity.

  • Broad Spectral Range: Transmits wavelengths from mid-IR to far-IR, suitable for diverse laser applications.

Contact Yasi for Optical Components
If you have any problems or suggestions about the optical componets, please contact Yasi, we will reply as soon as possible.